I so wish I'm at Jay Chou New Era concert for the past 3 days. Especially NOW!! Today is the last day of his concert in Singapore!! I'm missing out all the fun being at home and not at the stadium... SAD... I bet Jay is singing one of his last few songs now...( while I'm blogging here, getting ready to sleep soon..) Cant wait for the DVD of his concert to come out!!! Then I will feel so much better!! xD Cool thing is, while Jay Chou is having his concert in Singapore for these 3 days, SHINee is having their comeback at 3 different places too, during these 3days!! OMG!! So cool! I spaming all their videos I can watch about both idol's concert! All SO NICE!! I feel so 'suaned' that I cannot go and attend either's concert! sian... Oh! And their road safety video is s cute!!! hahaah^^
Tomorrow still have test, Tuesday have another test... haix... so busy...>< MUST JIA YOU!!!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, July 25, 2010
JAY CHOU IS COMING TO SINGAPORE TOMORROW!!! For 签名会!!! I want go!! But my cousin say if I go I also wont be able to see anything, cause it would be too crowded! And she said some crazy fans would already start queing tonight just to wait for him to get his signature tomorrow! OMG!! And I have tuition tomorrow, so if i go, I will completely be block! Sad la... T.T I WANT SEE 周杰伦!!!! nvm, i will support him from my heart AGAIN!! AS USUAL!! When can i finally go see him????? o.O
Anyway, SHINee new album is out!!! LUCIFER!!!! The mv is out too!!! YES!!^^ I love alot of the songs inside... ahhh~~ PLUS, they look shuai! Hot!!! whoots!!~~ I'm looking at their pictures now, and I can just go crazy anytime... haha XD

no offence, but i thinktheir new hairstyle abit
weird though.... i prefer their previous hair!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Its Friday and the last week of June holidays already! Can you believe it?! Time past seriously so fast! This is what I've been doing during this holiday: homework and homework and HOMEWORK!!! Is this even a holiday? Come on man! How can the school be like this?>:( They think we some robot or what? Even on the last week ok the holiday they suddenly give so many elearning homework. Practically every subject has one! This is totally terrible, horrible and unbelieveable! * frowns*
Okay, actually I still went out and had fun besides doing homework everyday too. Was in China- Beijing and Xi an from 26-3rd June with my class for exchange programme! Had loads of fun there. Made new friends and gain new experience^^ Went to watch movie- Killers, with Jia Ning, E-jen and Adrinenne on 14 june! Had fun too=) Then on 15 June watched Karate Kid with the Cliques<3!!! The show was freaking awsome! We all wanted to watch the show again, but too bad no money... hahaha! Before the movie, we played bowling at ehub. And guess what? I finally won!! Got first, YAY! For the first time! hahaha! cause i used to be one of the last(played terribly).. kekeke! Anyway, then on 23rd went for my cousin's wedding dinner! OMG! The wedding was so cool/modern! So nice! I love the food, and videos! Then yesterday went to some Science&Math trail. It was totally boring. Thought it was a waste of time. But at least I made a new friend there and I saw Ms Ng's teacher table! haha XD ok I'm going back to stuggle with my Geography homework now! JIAYOUS!!!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, June 25, 2010

Yay! It's Mr Bling Bling's birthday today!!축 생일!
Hope all your dreams and wishes come true...
You'll be the best Korean singer in my heart forever!! The best vocalist!
Smile always! Be happy! I love your killer smile =D ahhh~~
Jonghyun hwaiting! SHINee hwaiting!~~ JIAYOU!!~~
종형, 사랑해!
Oh ya! Thank you Liyun, Xinni, Jianing, Samantha, Yingying, Desiree, Alina and Mrs Tang for the presents!!!~~ Thank you so much!! I love it so much! And thanks to my other friends for the birthday wishes! Yay I'm officially 14!
*I share the same birthday month as Jonghyun! Whoots!!* here are messages to them:
Ning!: Thanks for the precious moment note book and piglet cup! LOVE it!!
Liyun, Xinni, Desiree: Thank You so much! I LOVE the JAY CHOU CD album!!! I'm still starstruck that inside have the necklace that jay wore!OMG!! Thanks for the posters too!^^
Samantha: Thank you! I love the notebook!! Very pretty~~ Jonghyun!! hahaha thanks(:
Yingying (samantha) : Thanks for the stuff toy and notebook! So cuteee!!~~
Alina: Yay! thank you for the marker! haha XD love the colour(:
Mrs Tang: Thank you so much for the name- keychain!! Its so beautiful! And thanks for tutoring me all this years! Thank You!!~~
Others: Thank you for the birthday wishes! Love you all XD
♥our lips must always be sealed
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Yay!! I'm finally 14 now^^ Thanks for all the wishes . I love u all!! =)
♥our lips must always be sealed
Saturday, April 03, 2010