Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My PSLE oral is finally over!!! haha okay, its actually weeks ago already. Haha. My prelim is also over. Sadly, I did not do so well. Must improve more... must do way better for PSLE and CT3. However, I heard from my friends and teacher that prelim is actually more difficult than PSLE. "phew.." ok got nothing to post much lately, so Im signing off now. Bye. wish me good luck for my exams too. haha....
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday after supplementary class is suddenly rain cats and dogs!!! Amalena, me and Lim min were all walking towards the bus stop when it started to drizzle, so we took out and shared only ONE small and lousy umbrella. Guess what?! the wind was so strong that it overturn my umbrella. it seemed as though we were in a drama show.. haha So i quickly pull it down again and all of us were laughing our head off. Then, the rain got heavier and not surprisingly, the umbrella overturned again for the second time. Omg.. how embarrassing!! we got so irritated that we decided to run under the rain to the bus stop knowing that we will get wet even with that stupid umbrella anyway. And as we ran, the rain got heavier and heavier. sigh... Lim Min and I were at the lead as amalena was carrying the umbrella of mine.. ( So sorry amalena that I left you behind with the umbrella and thanks for not leaving it behind >.<) when we reached the bus stop, all of us were drenched from head to toe. We seemed as though we had just taken a shower!! my phone got kind of wet when we were under the sudden downpour but luckily it did not spoil. pheww.. Haha but it was kind of fun running together with my friends under the rain.
Today, I had half day school. You know why? That's because it is 8 august!! 1 day before Singapore's birthday.. most of us wore red to school and sadly this year the pri- sixes did not go and watch the concert as we had some NE quiz to do in the class. It seemed more like we were having a so called "interesting" lesson in class while the lower primary were having fun.. haha Anyway, Happy 43th Birthday Singapore!! not to forget, today is also the 2008 olympics GRAND opening... the fire works display are so nice!!! such nice performance must not miss!!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, August 08, 2008