Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Just realised another nice song by non other than Jay, named hei se mao yi- 黑色毛衣 .This song is played long time ago. Love the chorus part the most, it's very touching and the beat is very nice. the other parts are okay, not too bad too. here is the lyrics to this song.
Yi Jian Hei Se Mao Yi
One black woolen sweater
Liang Ge Ren De Hui Yi
Two people's memories
雨过之后 更难忘记
Yu Guo Zhi Hou Geng Nan Wang Ji
After the rain, it becomes harder to forget
Wang Ji Wo Hai Ai Ni
To forget that I still love you
Ni Bu Yong Zai Yi
You don't have to mind
Liu Lei Ye Zhi Shi Gang Hao Er Yi
As the tears are just a coincidence
Wo Zao Yi Jing Dai Zai Gu Di
I'm already at the bottom of the valley
Wo Zhi Dao Bu Neng Zai Liu Zhu Ni
I know I can't hold you back
Ye Zhi Dao Bu Neng Mei You Gu Qi
And I know that I cannot lose my dignity
感激你 让我拥有秋天的美丽
Gan Ji Ni Rang Wo Yong You Qiu Tian De Mei Li
But I'm grateful that you let me experience autumn’s beauty
Kan Zhe Na Bai Se De Qing Ting
Looking at the white dragonfly
Zai Kong Zhong Wang Le Qian Jin
Motionless in air, as if it has forgotten how to go forward
Hai Neng Bu Neng Chong Xin Bian Zhi
Is it possible to rebuild
Nao Hai Zhong Qi Mao Qiu De Ji Yi
The torrent of memories in my mind?
Zai Shuo Wo Ai Ni
Once again, let me say "I Love You"
Ke Neng Yu Ye Bu Hui Ting
Maybe then, the rain will still not stop
Hei Se Mao Yi
Black woolen sweater
Chang Zai Na Li
Where is it hidden
Jiu Rang Hui Yi Yong Yuan Ting Zai Na Li
Let memories stop there too, forever
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Yay! PSLE is finally over! yipee! I've waited so long for this day. hahaha. Now I can finally play the computer and watch tv. stress is gone. so happy. muahahaha!!!( sound kinda mad) xD heehee. oh yeah, today Jay's new album is finally released. It is called Capricon 魔杰座. I want the album and poster badly!!! arhh but don't think my parents would buy for me. * sigh*

a picture of Jay in the lates album( its a poker card)cool!

another one...!

so nice :)
oh yeah, i also changed the song to dao xiang, one of the songs in this new album.
♥our lips must always be sealed
Thursday, October 09, 2008