Friday, February 27, 2009
Woah! Just received letter from yamaha saying my organ grade 9 exam is on 17 march!omg, its so fast.. few more weeks left only. I'm already so jing zhang now. haha. Got to prepare more this few weeks. Going for ealier extra lesson on Sunday before class start so teacher can give me more hearing test cause the rest of the songs i can play already. only left with the hearing which i suck at it cause i can't seems to catch the correct chords she is playing XD. haix... must jia you!! oh and i finally can read my guitar notes! wohoo so happy can play it le! yay (:
Today during recess, saw Jia Ning and had to ran from my classroom all the way to the canteen to pass her the birthday card i made for her yesterday. then after that i was kind of panthing beacuse she just couln't seem to hear me calling her name for so many times. Had to run and shout for her at the same time until she finally turn. Then when I gave her the card we both started bouncing up and down like mad people. haha :D so happy I was the first person to to wish her because today wasn't her actual birthday, it is tomorrow and there's no school. haha! then in the end, went recess with her and i gave her my one whole siew mai. she wanted to pay me back at first but i refuse and we kept pushing the 60 cents to one another until I even tried stuffing it back into her pocket. haha. in the end, she gave up and said she would treat me back another time. LOL(: anyway, Happy advance Birthday Jia Ning, my bestie friend!!! (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, February 27, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009
hello. I cant sleep yet so I'm here blogging. haha(: hhmm.. what should i write about today? oh yea! went to Xin Ni's house yesterday to do homework. actually, we were suppose to revise but we couldn't find anything to go through so we just did our Math homework and played the computer. haha! XD stayed at her house until 6pm then went home. but its very convinient cause she just live upstairs my house. haha so cool right? we are in the same school, same class and living in the same block. haha(:
hmm, I'm so looking forward to every episodes of 爱就宅一起 now. Currently kinda stuck to this taiwanese drama, cause it seems very funny from the previews, but I dont exactly know what it is about yet so I must continue to watch. Today just watch the 1st episode and found it quite nice. (: heehee. anyway, been very busy lately, due to loads of tests and homework given by the school. argh! so stressful lor. haix.. i really need a break! i need a kit-kat! o.O i need to relax..< 呼吸 呼吸..>
okay thats all for today, I'll post more some other time. (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy belated
Valentine's Day!! (:
anyway, so unlucky yesterday, or i should say since friday the 13th. I had FEVER!!! argh! my throat became sore and i had to talk softly in school, with my head feeling so heavy. then yesterday, woke up with a fever at 38 degree. haix.. and i had NO voice.. couldnt talk man. drank so much water the entire day until i could talk but felt like there's phelm stuck in my throat. but soon my fever slowly subsided too. Since it was valentine's day, my dad gave me choclate but i couldn't eat it!!! then my mum brought back chocolate and mango cake but i could only eat the mango one. sheesh what a day to be sick.
Anyway, today i finally recover le!! so happy. :D feel more fresh today, but i still cannot eat my chocolate.. :X haix.. and my mum said the reason i was sick could be that i was too stress. and i AGREE. my organ exam is coming and i still cannot play one song yet. just got my organ fixed and been practising like siao this few days. then school have so much exam to study for. should say almost everyday have at least one test lor. I must jia you and get used to school life. And also good luck for my organ exam on March! ( so soon..) :/
{ oo.. i just heard some sirens coming from outside my house. so loud! } maybe its the total defense thing bah.. or maybe not. haha. Bye (:
♥our lips must always be sealed
Saturday, February 14, 2009