I'm kinda impatiently counting down to Friday. hahahaha (: just 4 more days away!!! yipee!=D okay i think I'm a bit mad le. muahahaha! Now teacher changed our sitting arrangements in class and from being seated at the second row from the front, Im now shifted to second row from the back. sigh... I dont like sitting there. I miss Hilda and Desiree.. and the feng shui there also not good one( haha kidding) I miss my old place cause when i sit there i got more "jing shen" to pay attention in class. Now got shifted to the back its like so boring and sleepy. However luckily Samantha and Qinlin is sitting right beside me, or else i would be dead bored. Good thing Samantha is like a genius and can ask her loads of question, either wise i wont understand what teacher is trying to teach, especially Maths!! Now even chinese also change sitting arrangement! But at least I'm sitting next to Naixin!! my" second" chinese teacher.. hahahah joking joking! Her chinese is super pro so maybe I'll improve my mandrian soon after sitting and mixing with her for a very looonng time(: heehee So you see, though I've still got good friends sitting next me, the lesson teacher teach is super duper boring and i can dose off anytime. So I'm definately looking forward to the weekends... especially this friday, cause its my DAY!!! ( i think you should know why bah..) hahaha
anyway, got to sign off! bye[:
♥our lips must always be sealed
Monday, March 30, 2009
Yay! Finally done all my projects le. Now I'm left with my English Literature essay and some speech stuff. sigh.. I've got no idea what to write and how to write. I'm so sick of doing home works and projects le. Been so busy this entire week. Went to Wan rong's house to do Geography and English project with Hilda, Qin Lin and Nai xin and then at home rush with all the home works. Teacher purposely make us finish all the loads of home work and projects they give us and then still can say " Thank you class. Enjoy your holiday!" wth... how to enjoy when we have to crack our brains and then cannot have break to play or rest. Somemore the principal can tell us during assembly that she knows we have worked very hard and are quite stress and hopes we can use this 1 week to take a break and REST!!! and now? here comes all the work load our teachers give us. And where's our break may I know? GONE!!! sheesh! But luckily on Wednesday, found a time to relax. Went to Plaza Singapura with Celestine to watch Marley and Me. Oh my, the movie is really sad and funny. Funny because of the hilarious incidents the dog created and sad because Marley died in the end. aawww. *sobs * I almost cried at that particular scene. Just watery eyes but didn't cry my heart out. hahaha! Anyway, it is really a great touching movie. You guys should watch it too.
Okie got to go now. bye =D
♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, March 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Yay just change my music player the the ipod display on my blog. haha(:
haix.. its been awhile since I've last posted. heehee.. cause there's really nothing much to write about. No exciting news so never update my blog. I think I'm going to look for another blogskin again, cause I think I'll soon get bored of this skin and I know I"ll take a very long to find one, so I shall say that I'm just doing this to kill time? haha
Actually, I still have a Math research to do for presentaion. Teacher says that every subject will have at least one presentation to do. sigh.. And now I'm too lazy to do the research, cause I tried finding the other time and couldnt seem to find anything interesting. argh this is so boring man. Then either later or tomorrow still have to pracice my organ and guitar. Organ test is just a few more days away! ARGHHH.. and I'm still not very sure with my guitar. Tian ah! I think i really need to JIA YOU le!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, March 11, 2009