Wohoo!!! Guess what? Daddy bought me my GIGANTIC piglet yesterday!! (= haha I kept pestering him to go to Tampines 1 with me in the afternoon and he finally agreed when i asked mummy to bring me in the evening and she said that we can eat dinner there too. Of course it was also my repeated interuption, preventing daddy from playing his er hu that he finally gave in. hohoho!
Hugged it to sleep yesterday but had a little difficulty cause my bed was full of pillows that there isn't much space and I couldn't decide what to hug. haha! Told mummy about it this morining and she said I'm too greedy, shouldnt have hug so many stuff when there wasn't much space. I think I got to agree with that. hahaha! But i can't help it. I just love my pillows and bosters too much. heehee=p Anyway, its now sitting on my bed surrounded by all the cushions. Okay lets stop talking about my new piglet for now cause I wanna continue to watch my taiwanese drama that I'm currently stcuk with. I think this show has been out quite long ago already. You guys might have heard about it. Its called 斗牛要不要 Bullfighting. Actually the show is nothing really related to the title. Cause the show is about basketball and they call the game bull fighting. So it doesn't really make sense to me, but the show is still really great! It's acted by Hebe and gosh, she is a really good actress. You guys might think that Hebe is very gentle and so on but in this show, she is kinda rough a little tom boy at times. So can you imagine her acting like that? cool isnt it. So go watch it if you are interested. I've only watched until episode 5 so I'm going to continue now. Bye!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Went to Tampines 1 again today, for the 2nd time since it opened. haha! But this time went with my mother instead, and we spent a long time inside. And guess what? I saw this super duper BIG PIGLET stuff toy inside one of the shop!!!! OMG o.O My jaw was like wide open and my mum kept laughing, trying to close my mouth. haha And then i kept repeating" argh.. I WANT! I WANT!!!" So we went to check the price tag and wohoo! it was less than $50. Its $49.90. ah hahahha>.<'' But my mum still didnt buy for me because it is suppose to be a birthday present from my dad! And so just now my dad just came home and I straight away bluted out" hey, I've got good news for me but its kinda bad news for you. I saw the piglet that i wanted already!!!........." Then daddy smiled and gave me the ai yoyo look. hohoho
So I'm waiting impatiently for the day that daddy is going to buy that stuffed piglet for me. muahahaha! Just can't wait to hug it to sleep. Just imagining it sitting on my bed gets me so excited! I'm starting to bounce on the chair liao. hahaha got to stop thinking about it.. okay byes!
hope i'll get it ASAP!!! (=
♥our lips must always be sealed
Monday, April 13, 2009
Oh my, its raining cats and dogs down here at my house. And guess what? the rain looks so fake. hahaha!
Anyway, I've now got not only 1 idol, but 2!!!! yay! okay the second one is not really an idol, just adore him so much(= haha and both are celebrities!! If you know me well, you should know who they are.
The first one is non other then... Jay Chou!!! the second one is.. ( drum roll ).. Joshua Ang!!!!(=
Haha and you know what? I just realised not long ago that both of them share lots of things in common. Both starts with the alphabet J and both are so freaking talented! They play the piano sooo GOOD and they can act too! cool isin't it? having two idols that shares so much things in common. haha and last but not least, they are so Shuai ( handsome) and Cutteee!! =D k, i think im mad le. haha anway, heres both of their beautiful pictures:

Shuai right?

Cute right? haha (=

♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, April 10, 2009
Today went to Tampines 1 with Li yun, Xin Ni and Samantha to window shop after school. Haha(= Wow the shopping center is very big and beautiful. It's so big that you can get lost inside! Its looks like the combination of bothVivo City and Plaza Singapura and it was so crowded today cause it is the opening day. Tampines 1 has lots shop selling branded clothing and elctronics stuff and many restuarants too! cool huh? I think Tampines is going to be like Orchard soon cause it has 3 shopping centres so far le! hahaha okay, then went to White Sands to take neoprints and we spent a very long time in there. After that, we went back to Tampines 1 again and intended to eat Subway but the que was super long and there was no seat so we went to Tampines mall in the end and ate Pizza!! But xin ni and samantha so evil, made me and li yun eat the extremely thin pizza while they at the thick think one, when they both had a smaller appitite compared to us. hmmph! If we knew that the pizza was going to be that thin, we wouldn't have vouluntered to eat that le. sigh.. But then we kept laughing all the way through out dinner thanks to me and in the end i laugh until full le. hahaha After eating we quickly qiong home so that I can reach home before 9pm. But still, I reached home only at 9.05 pm and then still had to bathe, so i missed half and hour of Table of Glory !!! arhhh!
Anyway, I had soooo much fun today! woohoo. Thank you guys for letting me have such an enjoyable day today. hahaha oh by the way, we saw this guy in Pizza Hut that looked like Ugly Betty. 0.O'' ahhahahhaha so funny(:
Ok got to go le. Good night(=
♥our lips must always be sealed
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Awww man, its 12.37am le. 37 mins after my birthday.. so i should say, Happy Belated Birthday to me!!! hahahahaha(= anyway I would like to thank you all:
for the birthday presents and cards from Jia Ning, Huiling, Xin Ni and Li Yun and Celestine
birthday messages from: Weixin, Charmi, Ms Maria Goh, Amalena, Lim Min, Hilda, Danny and Tita Rozette!!<3 and Jing Yi
birthday wishes from: Desiree, Qin Lin, Samantha, Lim min( again), Siaw min, Wan rong, Freda, Jorathan, Qiao Wen, Nichole and guitar friends(=
And of course, Thank you mummy and daddy!!!! ( I'm still waiting for my big piglet stuff toy to hug to sleep hor...) hahaha
Thank you all so much!!! I really appreciate it!! you all made my day. hahahaha( sorry if i missed out any of u)
ok got to go. bye!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, April 03, 2009