This morning, I was sleeping so soundly, dreaming of something( I can't seem to remember what it was) when I was suddenly woke up by the loud vibration noise my handphone made. At first I wanted to ignore it, but it kept ringing continuously! In the end, i gave in and picked up the phone realising that it was Mrs Tang. I was wondering why would she call me this early at 8.30am when we were going to meet later in the afternoon for an outing. Thats when i heard this disapointing news, the outing that i was so looking forward to was CANCELLED!!! omg.. and we were suppose to go to Sentosa leh.. She asked me if we should postponed the outing because some sec 2 girls couldn't make it as 1 of the parents called to complain and only left 4 of us going. She also told me that samantha also couldn't come and she wanted us to wait for her too. Since she also couldn't make it last year and there's very little people going today, i agreed about postponing the outing, so everyone can go another time. ( i so kind right? think for others.. haha kidding! :X) so after i put down the phone, i went back to bed. And guess what? I couldn't sleep!!! arghh.. only after half and hour later then i finally fell asleep. haix.. see, all thanks to who lar? -.- haha
Then in the afternoon, i went for lunch with my mum and dad. We ate kuay chap which my dad qued up super duper long for the food! But i should say it was worth it! the food was nice :D
After organ class in the evening i visited the pet shop to look at the dogs. and guess what? I saw a west highland terrier!!! it was the dog that i wanted for some time already!! but still, my dad wouldn't buy for me. He said must wait few more years then can keep. haix... what to do? wait lor... >.<
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Went out with ah ning(Jia Ning) on Friday. FINALLY!!! its been so long since we hung out together. hehe! Anyway, we went to watch a movie entitled Ghost of Girlfriends past. The show was so funny and nice. Everyone kept laughing inside the cinema. But of course, there are parts when the show gets abit sick and disgusting, which makes me understand why it is a PG movie. haha! Ok. So after watching the movie, we headed to Pasir Ris to take neoprints!! Because both of us hardly takes neoprints, we don't really know how to operate the machine and end up anyhow tapping the screen, making me got so nervous about the outcome of the pictures. Luckily, it turned out quite nice in the end and nothing was hurt or damaged by us. Hahaha!!=D Then, we started to wonder around as it was still early and we didn't want to go home yet. We went back to Tampines again but did not want shop there as we had shopped for hours in the morning while waiting for the movie to start. Instead, we went into one of the fitting room inside a store and took some random photos together with our handphone, not wanting to we akward infront of the crowd. It was so funny when we just randomly picked a tee in a hurry and rushed into the changing room after wondering so long just to find the ladies cloth section that is next to the changing room. hahaha!So after a long day, we finally headed home. Arh!! I want to go out with ah ning again! I miss all the good old times we spent togther in primary school. Hope to meet up with her soon, heehee(=
♥our lips must always be sealed
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Woah! Been busy lately so couldn't post and I've got nothing much to mention. But anyway, guess what? I've finally been to the Singapore Flyer!! Went there with my mum, along with Jennifer and her mum. haha! It was so cool! In the beginning, we planned to go up the flyer at around 6pm so it would not be so hot and I was hoping to see the sunset from the top. However, we arrived at the flyer by 5.25pm and the staff at the ticket office told us that we could start to que and board. I thought of waiting awhile more but upon seeing the fyler at a closer view, all of us stop complaining about the heat and just went on board! It was amazing man! I expected to feel very warm inside but there was air-con in the capsule and the atmosphere inside was completely different. Everything inside was super high-tech. From air-con to television to speaker. OMG!! ok maybe I'm just over-reacting. hahaha Anyway, the ferris wheel takes 30 minutes to make a complete rotation. Seems pretty long right? Nope! It feels very different when you are on it. 30 mins felt like only 15 mins or so. You don't really feel the capsule moving when you just begin at the bottom but the next minute you realise, you are already at the top! I was a nice experience on the flyer admiring the breath taking view. You should take it someday and experience it yourself. I don't think you will regret it, though i know its seriously costly, but its a onece in a life time experience! Anyway, I'm going to quit exagerating and everything. Here's the picture I've taken there!

Me and Jennifer( left to right respectively)
We took this random picture on our way in.
haha =p

okay, I know this picture seems kinda random.
heehee! But this is the wire that holds all the ferris wheel. Our lives are in its hands!!! haha and can
see the reflection of the buliding on its left?
cool ain't it? Got a shot on it unexpectedly, but its nice!
okay, I've got more picturesof the scenery but I'm lazy to post already. So that's it for today. Bye!(=
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, June 07, 2009