Exam is OVER!!!Finally! I'm soooo happy! no, wait. Actually, I've got mixed feelings. Happy yet frustrated yet excited and yet disappointed. haha you must be thinking that I'm not in the right mind having felt this way when exam is already over right? Well, happy is definately because exam is over and i can finally play. Fustrated and disappointed would be because the papers were difficult and i hade loads of mistakes already.Therefore, I'm so
NOT looking forward to the day when teacher is returning us our exam paper. sigh.. what can I do? what is done is already done. Can't turn back time like what tv drama always do... And I'm very excited because I can't wait for the holidays and I can go out with my clique-mates and
hopefully overseas too(= teehee~
Anyway, here are a few 2 quotes i heard and read recently or so:
No one ever succeeds unless they fail many times! ( hmmm.. so i guess its okay to fail huh!XD)
You try and you fail, try and you fail. But the true failure is when you stop trying and give up! (haha does this quote sound familiar to any of you? heard this sentence from the gypsy in Haunted mansion)

* so all I can do now is pray and wish that I can score my exam with flying colours, hoping that a miracle would happen* =D
p.s: Happy holidays SOON, everyone!

♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, October 16, 2009
Heys! I'm back! Haven't been posting for a super long time. Been busy lately.. but mostly the reason is because I'm lazy to post. hahaha! Anyway, the end of year examinations are drawing near. Just 2 more weeks!!! oh no! Must jia you and pull our socks up already!
Oh ya, last Sunday, my family and I went to attend my cousin's wedding ceremony! It was so nice. It wasn't a very big wedding but the place and atmosphere was very nice! So beautifully decorated. The only thing i don't like was the people singing throughout the ceremony. The songs the woman sung was so old and boring. She should at least sing some modern song to let the younger generation people enjoy too...haha but overall, wedding was good! I like the food best. It was so delicious... ( especially the shark fin soup!) heehee! XD The most funny part about the wedding was the "yum seng" part. All the men went" yummmmmmmm... Yummyaaaaa.... Seng!" then just the yum part took more than a minute to end. so can u imagine they had to scream their very long yum seng words for 3 times?! Everyone around us kept laughing went the cheers was never ending. LOL! We also took many pictures there too! will post it up the next time cause its not uploaded yet! heehee
♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, October 02, 2009